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How to apply

Environmental Considerations

Dirt and rocks upclose with a green background

Always apply pesticides responsibly

  • Read and follow the full safety precautions and instructions found in the pesticide's label—it is unlawful to apply any pesticide in a manner inconsistent with its label.
  • Always wear gloves (included), long sleeves/pants, and closed-toed shoes when applying any pesticide.
  • Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling.
  • Don't apply to food or places that are likely to contact food.
Woman spraying Pestie on the base of a house

Protect honey bees and other pollinators

  • Bees keep our flowers blooming and our crops healthy. To minimize the risk to these benefical pollinators, do not apply pesticides when bees are foraging.
  • Do not apply to plants that are flowering, shedding pollen, or producing nectar.
  • Do not allow the pesticide to drift onto beehives, nearby blooming plants, or other places that may be attractive to bees.
Bee pollinating a yellow flower

Keep pesticides out of water sources

  • Do not apply when it's windy or rain is expected in the next 24 hours. This helps protect the water table and aquatic life.
  • Keep pesticides out of our water sources by not applying near storm drains or any other sources of water.
  • Never dump any pesticide down any drain.
Filling up a glass cup with water in a sink